
Presented by Dr. Robert Coben on November 20, 2020.

Learn about how Coherence Neurofeedback is uniquely effective in addressing emotional regulation and learning for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. presented by Dr. Robert Coben on February 24th, 2017

Explore the effects of Coherence Neurofeedback for seizure disorders, presented by Dr. Robert Coben presented on January 27th 2017

Presented by Dr. Robert Coben on January 29, 2016.

Presented by Dr. Robert Coben in association with Rob Longo on May 10th, 2019.

Presented by Dr. Robert Coben on November 20th, 2015.

Podcast episode originally recorded on May 21st, 2019.

Watch Dr. Coben present the findings of our study on EEG connectivity and source localization in developmental trauma, conducted with high density EEG data using advances in connectivity assessment. This video compares the brain differences in those with developmental trauma vs. those without. Dr. Coben presents the methods, details, results, and implications for intervention, including neurofeedback!
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Listen to Dr. Coben present research information on brain networks, neural connectivity, and brain pathways. He will discuss the differences between effective and functional connectivity in clinical cases, and will look at the impact of multivariate coherence brain training. The presentation will assess effective connectivity in everyday Neurofeedback clinical practice!
Webinar participants are eligible for 2 BCIA approved CEUs. Take the exam below to earn BCIA credit!
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