Quantitative EEG Report

Market your practice and educate your clients

Market your practice and educate your clients

INS now offers a QEEG report that includes all information from the patient’s history, data analysis and consultation. It includes the patient’s history, provides QEEG findings and interpretations, and offers neurofeeback and other recommendations. Included in the report are the diagnostic reason(s) for the evaluation, presenting symptoms, and the patient’s history. QEEG data collection techniques are notated, as well as, observations made by the technologist who has done the artifacting or cleaning of the data. The EEG data is then both manually and digitally artifacted. We describe all procedures and databases used for these QEEG analyses. These data are then shown with appropriate QEEG images to present the data and interpretations of the same. An overall summary of the clinical significance is provided and neurofeedback protocol recommendations are provided.

There is the option available to have the QEEG report printed on INS letterhead with our signature. Or, it can be printed on the clinician’s letterhead and contain the signatures of both INS and the clinician. Having this report is advantageous since it can be provided to other doctors, schools, or to the family. This may help to provide education and market your practice.

Please view the sample report to the below!