

The first step in optimizing brain health is optimizing neuron nutrition. Everything from academics to social interactions to emotional well-being depends on how well neurons work individually and communicate with each other across various functional networks.

The key to keeping neurons healthy is reducing inflammation.

What causes neural inflammation? Your diet goes a long way toward facilitating or inhibiting inflammatory responses in your body. Unfortunately, the standard American diet is one of calorically dense foods that are full of refined grains, simple sugars, high fructose corn syrup, as well as saturated and trans fats. Our bodies identify these kinds of foods as harmful invaders. As a result, eating them triggers an immune response, flooding our system with inflammatory factors. Prolonged exposure to this inflammation increases our chances of diabetes, arthritis, IBS, sinus infections, and even heart attacks and strokes. And, it wreaks havoc in our brains, initiating changes that affect everything from our daily emotions and energy level to long-term problems like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The good news is that by changing your diet you can reduce inflammation and go from disease to health! Our nutrition program has four components to give to the tools you need to stop the slide into disease and take back your life.


Habits of Health – Our program facilitates a lifestyle transformation that will improve every aspect of how you interact with your world. We harness the science of habit formation to help you learn how to make small manageable changes that get your mind and body working together for long-term wellness.


Food – Your journey to optimal health starts with the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 plan. That is, you enjoy 5 fuelings and 1 lean and green meal a day. Each delicious fueling has been developed by physicians, scientists, and dieticians to contain high-quality protein, which helps maintain lean muscle, and probiotic cultures, which helps support digestive health. Have your first fueling within 30 minutes of waking and eat every 2-3 hours to enter a gentle and efficient fat-burning state. There are over 60 fueling options including shakes, bars, and soups among many other options. This ensures there is something for every taste and that you won’t get bored. Indeed, the fuelings make healthy eating easy and convenient. With your lean and green meal you’ll learn how to create nutritious, portion-controlled meals that you can enjoy with your family throughout your transformation.


Health Coaches – You are not alone. Our trained coaches are there for you every step of the way. They support you through challenges and setbacks as well as cheer you on and celebrate your accomplishments.


Community – Your support system doesn’t stop with your health coach. When you join our nutrition program you join a whole community of people who, like you, have decided to change their lives for the better. This community support comes in many forms from social media to live and recorded video conferences full of people at various stages of their journey, so there are always friends you can relate to and learn from.