Consultation Services

Integrate Brain Health

Clinician Consultation Services

incorporates a three-pronged approach to achieving brain recovery and enhancement. Specifically, we employ nutrition, photobiomodulation and connectivity driven neurofeedback strategies. These strategies have increased scientific support amongst many other therapies as they are consistently shown to decrease inflammation and promote effective neuronal growth, regulation and connection.

meet the team

Meet the team here at Integrate Brain Health. Our team goes above and beyond with every project put in our hands

our services

We offer many great services ranging from EEG/QEEG analysis to spike/seizure analysis, and more! Check out all of our services offered here.


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why choose IBH ?

Integrate Brain Health is the only company founded and operated by two Clinical Neuropsychologists. Drs. Robert Coben and Anne Stevens provide neurofeedback services daily and have directly helped over 20,000 of their own patients in a combined 37 years of clinical practice. As such, their unique expertise is in EEG and QEEG data processing, clinical competency, and neuropsychology. At IBH, Drs. Coben and Stevens utilize neuroscientific, neuropsychological and neurophysiological information to facilitate the clinician’s understanding of their patients’ conditions, ultimately allowing the clinician to provide superior treatment. Specifically, analysis and interpretation of EEG, QEEG, neuropsychological and other neurophysiological data is offered, along with customized treatment recommendations.

independent research

Our clinical team regularly conducts independent research to investigate the clinical efficacy of 4 channel multivariate coherence training. Drs. Stevens and Coben annually present their latest research at ISNR, as well as several additional conferences per year.We place a high value on research-informed services, and believe in providing open access to our research as well as providing continuing education to clinicians and staff.

Meet the IBH team!

Robert Coben, Ph.D.


Robert Coben, Ph.D., received his doctoral degree in 1991 and has been a licensed psychologist in the state of New York since 1994. He is the Director and Chief Neuropsychologist of NeuroRehabilitation and Neuropsychological Services. His post-doctoral training in clinical and rehabilitation neuropsychology was done at the UCLA Medical Center and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California.His experience in rehabilitation neuropsychology includes directing two separate inpatient neurorehabilitation programs. He is the former director of inpatient and outpatient brain rehabilitation at Staten Island University Hospital. He is an affiliate of Winthrop University Hospital and an affiliated researcher of NYU Medical Center.Dr. Coben is a member in good standing of the American Psychological Association, International Neuropsychological Society, International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, and the American Association of Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.He is an associate editor for the Journal of Neurotherapy and Frontiers in Child Health and Human Development. He is also a editorial reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Neurotherapy, Neuroregulation, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Frontiers in Child Health and Human Development, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroimage, and Journal of Psychophysiology.He has edited special issues of journals on EEG Connectivity and more recently as a special topic editor for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. He was the chief editor on two issues on Applied Neuroscience, Neuromodulation and Neurofeedback. These special issues covered topics related to seizures disorders and autism spectrum disorder. He has also edited a book entitled “Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Techniques and Applications.” His research interests include the study of Neuropsychology and Neurophysiology in the understanding of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, especially autism, and treatment applications for the same.Dr Coben has served as the President of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research as well as the President Elect of the International Board of Quantitative Electrophysiology.

Anne Ward Stevens, Ph.D.


Anne Stevens, Ph.D., received her doctoral degree from the University of Memphis in 1995. She has held a license to practice Psychology in the state of Tennessee and currently is licensed in Arkansas, and has practiced in Fayetteville since 1989.Since 2016, Dr. Stevens has been the President of Integrated Neuropsychological Services, with an expertise in head injury and other disorders related to brain functioning. Her practice encompasses neuropsychological and Quantitative EEG Assessment, as well as treatment, primarily through neurofeedback. She has earned board certification through BCIA in Neurofeedback and the QEEG Certification Board for QEEG Technologist.In addition to her private practice, Dr. Stevens serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee of Neurotopia and the Head Trauma Committee at the University of Arkansas Athletic Department. In 2001, she was also the co-founder of ContreQ, specializing in the assessment and treatment of sport-related concussion.Dr. Stevens is a member of good standing with the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Neuropsychology and the International Society of Neurofeedback and Research. Additionally, Dr. Stevens also served on the Board of Directors for the International Society of Neurofeedback and Research from 2008 until 2012.