Learning Center

A Commitment to sharing knowledge

Drs. Stevens and Coben are deeply committed to sharing their extensive knowledge to the neurofeedback practitioner, helping them to improve the lives of others. On site, IBH offers workshops designed for the skills enhancement of the clinicians with whom they work. Attendees may schedule a training session designed for their particular interest or they may choose to attend a workshop programed by IBH. All workshops designed by IBH meet both BCIA and ISNR standards.

​Drs. Coben and Stevens often provide talks, workshops and seminars at related conferences or conventions. Frequently, their presentations center around understanding EEG and QEEG, utilizing other data to inform clinical choices, understanding other neuropsychological and neurobiological factors related to specific diagnoses, and integrating this information to inform the neurofeedback training protocols.

Finally, both Drs. Coben and Stevens educate and enhance their own knowledge through serving the neurofeedback community, at large, and publishing their own research. Dr. Coben is currently serving as president of ISNR and is a founding member of the IBQE. He is an editor for the following journals: Neuroregulation, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroimage and Psychophysiology. He has edited special issues for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Dr. Stevens has provided numerous talks regarding the benefits of neurofeedback to both the lay public and other school, medical and mental health professionals. She also serves or has served on the Scientific Advisory Committee for SenseLabs, ISNR, Circle of Life Hospice and Palliative Care Center and the Head Trauma Committee at the University of Arkansas. Other affiliations for both of these professionals include Wintrop University Hospital, University of California at San Diego and NYU Medical Center.


The Impact of Neuroinflammation and What to Do About It

The following powerpoint was presented by Robert Coben, Ph.D. and Anne Ward-Stevens, Ph.D. Click the PDF link below to access the powerpoint used.


IBH Neuroscience Rounds: The Somatosensory System

The following powerpoint was presented by Kristy Snyder Colling, Ph.D. supplemented by our IBH Neuroscience Rounds podcast with Robert Coben, Ph.D. Click the PDF link below to access the presentation and powerpoint used.

IBH Neuroscience Rounds: Basic Neuroanatomy Review

The following powerpoint was presented by Kristy Snyder Colling, Ph.D. in our IBH Neuroscience Rounds podcast. Click the PDF link below to access the powerpoint used.

Photobiomodulation/Light Therapy Webinar Presentation

The following powerpoint was presented by Robet Coben, Ph.D. demonstrating the advantages of photobiomodulation and the postivite impact it can produce.

Meta-Analysis of 4-Channel Multivariate Coherence Neurofeedback Research

This powerpoint was presented by Carl Armes, BS. & Robert Coben, Ph.D. at the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research 27th Annual Conference in September of 2019. Click PDF below to dive more into the research behind Meta-Analysis of 4-Channel Multivariate Coherence Neurofeedback Research.

Interpretation of Raw and Complex Quantitative EEG Analyses

This powerpoint was presented by Robert Coben, Ph.D. at the 2019 ISNR Conference. To learn more about Interpretation of Raw and Complex Quantitative EEG Analyses, you can download and view the full PowerPoint using the link below.

The Use of Four Channel Multivariate Training on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

This powerpoint was presented by Anne Stevens, Ph.D. at the 2017 ISNR Conference. This study explores the use of four channel multivariate training on mild traumatic brain injury in a comparison of newly concussed and remotely concussed individuals.

The Impact of Using Effective Connectivity Measures (Granger Causality) in Guiding Neurofeedback

Dr. Coben and Dr. Stevens presented on The Impact of Using Effective Connectivity Measures (Granger Causality) in Guiding Neurofeedback at the 2018 ISNR conference. Want to check out the presentation for the first time or view it again? You can do so here.

Advances in Coherence Based Neurofeedback Therapy

This powerpoint was presented by Robert Coben, Ph.D. at the 2018 Neurofeedback Interchange Conference in Atlanta, GA. This study explores the advances in coherence-based neurofeedback training through extensive research.

Multivariance Coherence Training for Developmental Trauma

Dr. Coben, Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Thompson presented on Multivariate Coherence Training for Developmental Trauma at the 2018 ISNR conference. To learn more about the study, you can download and view the full PowerPoint using the link below.

Impact of Developmental Trauma on Brain Function and Connectivity

This powerpoint was presented by Carl Armes, BS. & Robert Coben, Ph.D. at the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research 25th Annual Conference in September of 2017. This study explores the impact of developmental trauma on brain function and connectivity through extensive research.