
What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as Talk Therapy, is a form of treatment where an individual builds a relationship and communicates with trained mental health professional and uses therapeutic principles and techniques to treat psychological problems.There are many different disciplines of psychotherapy, but at INPS, it is one of the integrated components that we use to help our patients improve their brain function and overall well-being.Psychotherapy refers to any of our counseling services, including individual therapy, couples counseling, or family therapy.

How Does It Work?

Using brain-based analysis to empirically test the brain’s function, we are able to understand the brains strengths and limitations and design psychotherapeutic interventions and treatments. Our trained, experienced mental health professionals utilize evidence-based therapeutic modalities to offer confidential, compassionate, effective care. INPS’ unique model of scientifically supported brain analysis, brain training, and compassionate counseling is what sets us apart from other mental health providers and counselors to ensure our clients receive scientifically supported, actionable therapies.

What About Results?​

The treatment process begins with a comprehensive assessment where our clinicians discover your reasons for seeking treatment, the history of your concerns, and your goals for the future. Our clinical staff then collaborates with you to develop an achievable treatment plan based on your needs and goals. Our counselors typically meet with clients for one hour a week as well as in conjunction with Neurofeedback, but we also understand that every person is different.
We provide counseling services to children, adolescents, and adults for a variety of mental health concerns, including (but not limited to) Trauma◊Grief and Loss◊Parenting Skills◊Anxiety◊Adjustment Disorders◊Autism Spectrum Disorders◊Depression◊Stress Management◊Eating Disorders◊Self-Injury◊ Post Brain Injury life transition◊Social Skill building◊Anger Management◊Substance Abuse