Peak Performance

What is Peak Performance?

Peak Performance refers to our potential to maximize focus and emotional control to optimize our abilities. It is characterized by feelings of confidence, concentration, and a positive, can-do outlook. Critical to high-level accomplishment in the workplace, in sports, and in daily life, Peak Performance is achieved by implementing purposeful, targeted strategies that regulate neuropsychological and neurophysiological functioning, develop constructive habits, and reduce feelings of inadequacy and stress.

How Does it Work?

Just as an athlete trains muscles to improve performance or a musician practices a musical piece until it is instinctive, INPS utilizes comprehensive assessment and our QEEG to intentionally establish protocols that integrate neurofeedback, individualized therapies, and nutrition to train the brain and improve emotional resilience, concentration, and control. When the brain functions optimally, it works in harmony with our physical, emotional, and mental framework to achieve an internal rapport that produces fully present actions and attitudes that shape our performance. ​

What About Results?​

Research informed and scientifically supported, the full range of services at INPS support Peak Performance development and maintenance. Executives, surgeons, and athletes have used our integrated neurofeedback strategies to improve concentration, decision making, and emotional control, and the results are readily apparent. Growing in popularity, our Peak Performance service has the potential to enhance anyone’s personal, professional, or academic goals with improved concentration and confidence, and maximized focus and emotional control.