NeuroElite Advanced Brain Training

How Does Neurofeedback Help?

Our brain is made of up of different, specialized sections which work together in a system to help us go about our daily lives. A complex, interconnected system, our brain constantly filters out unnecessary information, focuses on important information, and analyzes our daily experiences. In doing so, the brain organizes incoming information and gives meaning to our actions.

In some cases, the different parts of our brain fail to communicate effectively. When the different parts of our brain do not communicate effectively with each other, the brain does not produce an organized pattern of brainwaves. This can happen in cases of a head injury or a concussion, learning disorders, Autism Spectrum disorders, or mental illness. In those cases, the brain has trouble organizing information and filtering out irrelevant input. This makes it difficult to learn from our experiences and plan for the future.

A scientifically supported treatment, Neurofeedback encourages the natural self-regulation of the brain by facilitating the production of specific brainwaves and inhibiting others. In doing so, this creates new communication patterns within the brain and improves brain functioning.

How Does Neurofeedback work?

Multivariate coherence neurofeedback training was created approximately 6 years ago to train connections in the brain in a multivariate fashion and to be much more precise and accurate than training coherence in pairs. Over the past 6 years we have demonstrated it’s efficacy in such conditions as depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder/developmental trauma, head injury, autism, learning disabilities, epilepsy and other related challenges.

This is accomplished by first performing a complex analysis of qEEG data and measuring multivariate causality and connectivity metrics. The neurofeedback training then includes the use of 4 electrodes on the scalp that train coherence in a multivariate fashion such that all combinations of pairings are combined together simultaneously to train the entire network. At the same time we use amplitude or power inhibits to reduce EEG variability and promote better brain functioning. The result is a more effective approach to many conditions that trains networks for enhanced connectivity and overall brain functioning.