Coherence Analysis


Eyes closed and open data will be processed through the NeuroRep (NREP) database for a comprehensive multivariate coherence analysis.

This analysis assumes that the data has already been competently artifacted and those files have been sent to us. This also assumes that previous quantitative power analyses have been performed and transferred to us for review.

There is evidence to suggest that pairwise coherence estimates have a significant degree of inaccuracy and questionable reliability as a result.

NREP coherence analyses are based on a principle components model that “re-draws” coherence relationships in three-dimensional space. Since PCA can eliminate statistical redundancy the results are believed to better represent the multiple relational patterns across different regions of the brain. When one examines these images, relative regions of hyper or hypo-coherences may be observed. Low or hypo-coherence is considered to be present when electrode locations and the lines connected them are stretched out (right temporal regions above). High or hyper-coherence is seen when electrodes are very close to and pilled on top of each other as may be seen in the left hemisphere in this example.